Personalized TV with the help of YouTube and Google Video
How about a personalized dynamic TV-channel that takes it's content from YouTube and Google Video?

Input sets of keywords and define the frequency of each set in the channel's overall programing. The script searches YouTube and Google Video and streams the results back-to-back according to the user defined ratios.

If you wanted to simulate MTV you could make a set like "music video" and set it's frequency in the channel's mix to high and make a set like "jackass OR stunt" and set it's frequency to low. It would no problem if you wanted it to play only music videos of a certain genre or artist ("music video AND artist/genre") or in addition to the channel's present programing also wanted the occasional AFV ("jackass OR stunt OR AFV") or Conan O'Brien-clip (new set, "O'Brien", low frequency). Just an example!

Possible? Interesting enough for anyone to program into XBMC or to make a python script for?

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Personalized TV with the help of YouTube and Google Video0