Android Google Nexus Player
Should I use the arm version of kodi or the x86 for my Asus Nexus player. I was first told to use the arm version. I want to know if it is safe now to use x86. What is the difference between the two versions. Will it hurt my nexus player to use the arm version. I want to get the best performance from my Nexus player. Please Help.
x86 version is safe now.
x86 is also faster on the Nexus Player
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Should I use Helix 14.2 or new Isengard 15.0 version? Can I change Arm version to X86 without losing my add-ons and settings. Thanks!
Wouldn't call it safe, selfinjury is likely to increase with the usage of it. The playback is still not smooth, even on SD material.

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