Use xmltv with WMC backend?
Since MS switched EPG providers my EPG has been screwed... wrong data, channels not detected, etc. Is there a way to get WMC server or PVR addon to look at an xmltv file instead of using WMC's data?
No there isn't

But I believe there are ways of getting that data into wmc itself, which ServerWMC would obviously then send to Kodi. So I'd recommend looking at those
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
There have been posts about this epg switch over on the emby forum. Most of the issues with the new guide souce seem to be getting worked out. But, yeah there are tools for importing xmltv into wmc.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
I use mc2xml to retrieve the guide listings into an XML file:

I use Guidehound to import the xml file into WMC7. It's been discontinued, but you can still download it here:

There may be better ways, this works for me currently, but I only have 3 OTA channels anyway. Smile
HTPC: Win10 Pro, Kodi 17.4, NVIDIA GeForce 1080TI
Desk: 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display (2017), Kodi 17.4
Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9", Kodi
PVR Backend: tvheadend via Docker engine in unRAID 6.6.1
Could someone please elaborate regarding the problem and the solution? For the past seven to ten days, Kodi isn't showing any EPG data for what's currently play8ing. However, WMC is showing it, and what's even weirder is that Kodi will correctly show what's coming up "next," but will not show data for what is currently playing.
If everything is fine in wmc, try resetting the epg database in kodi.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Also make sure your system clock is not different between your clients and backend
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
Ok, I spoke too soon. WMC no longer shows any guide data. It asks to download new data but then just hangs. I don't mean it freezes, I just mean it never finishes downloading.
Go into WMC and reset your tuners. Once that completed, WMC will be pointing at the new ROVI guide and it will then download the EPG data again and all will be well. You will need to reset ServerWMC as well.

Can you please be more specific on what I should do within WMC to accomplish that?
(2015-07-29, 04:57)aedv Wrote: Can you please be more specific on what I should do within WMC to accomplish that?

Re-run the tv setup, tuners and all. It will do a complete re-scan.
I eventually did a channel rescan, and the Rovi epg data for my OTA location is mostly fixed now. I'm not sure it's required, but I found on the TV settings to clear the entire database, not just epg, got things updated right away to match what WMC had. My series recordings then popped up.

scott s.

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Use xmltv with WMC backend?0