Mxq box no amcodec option in accelearation?
Hi . Help! Lol . I have an mxq box which has the a9 chipset. There is an option in kodi 14.2 to enable amcodec and this makes my HD playback work perfect . However my friend has bought a box and the box looks the same externally but has the a5 chipset. There is no amcodec option in kodi in the settings under hardware acceleration in video playback. His box is very jumpy during playback. Why is there no amcodec option? Is it his version of kodi or the box itself? Why is there no amcodec option?
Hi Adriancs100,
Do you have fix the issue?
I'm currently face the same issue. I have 2 mxq Box, but with same chipset ARM cortex A5.
When I play HD Channel, 1 box is OK, but the other is being flicker.
When I check the Kodi seting, there is hardware acceleration (amcodec) in the OK Box, but not at the failed one.Sad
Basically the Firmware is F..k...d. You will need an update from the seller.
Failing that Send the non working boxes back from where they came.


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Mxq box no amcodec option in accelearation?0