Windows causes videos to crash?
I think my windows version causes my videos (access through a nas) to crash or stop. (both in kodi and using vlc player)
When I access my videos on my nas with my mac, they plays fine.

Has anyone else experienced something like this, I´m guessing some malware, virus, broken system files, etc
I´m going to try running openelec on a usb stick to see if they play fine on that OS.

But is there something easy to check for, turn of, uninstall to fix this?

Quote:both in kodi and using vlc player

I think that just about says it all. When you mean "crash or stop", does windows blue screen and you need to reboot the computer or just that Kodi or VLC crash but the system is otherwise stable?

Enable debug logging (wiki it) and reproduce the issue, and post the log to a pastebin site.

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Windows causes videos to crash?0