SNES to USB converter issue on RPi/OpenELEC
It appears as though the converter that works in Windows doesn't work at all in OpenELEC on the RPi2. Also, for some reason it gets read differently on the Pi. Here's a debug log where it's called HuiJia on the Pi. I attempted to do the standard input thing, and couldn't get any of the buttons to be recognized.

Here's a log from Windows using the exact same hardware usb converter working fine.
INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Initialized joystick 0: "HuiJia  USB GamePad", axes: 6, hats: 0, buttons: 16
INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Initialized joystick 1: "HuiJia  USB GamePad", axes: 6, hats: 0, buttons: 16

INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Initialized joystick 0: "USB GamePad", axes: 4, hats: 1, buttons: 16
INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Initialized joystick 1: "USB GamePad", axes: 4, hats: 1, buttons: 16

Does it work on vanilla OpenELEC/linux?

And watch out, it looks like you'll have the same problem as this guy
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
mmm, will need to set up regular OpenELEC. May need a minute for that. Smile
Update: Getting retroplayer on generic OpenELEC totally evades me. The test builds are all zips, when OE only recognizes tars when doing a manual update. So I tried renaming the zip to tar (no good). I tried extracting the zip and then putting it into a tar using 7-zip (also no good). In all cases, OE didn't see whatever it needed to see to update.
Can you upload the 4 files in the zip to the "Update" samba share?
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Well that's embarrassing. I genuinely had no idea that was an option. I guess you learn something new every day.

Alright, in regular OE, the Gamepad gets recognized and input works fine. Well, maybe not fine. I think I've got the same problem as that other guy, as I seem only capable of going left and not right on the directional pad. But otherwise fine. So I'm guessing it's a Pi issue. See log.

Also, I was really hoping to finally get the SNES failure issue resolved, but on OE it looks like I still can't launch an SNES game. That problem can be found in the same log. No idea how other people are playing SNES games right now.
(2015-10-02, 08:05)natethomas Wrote: I think I've got the same problem as that other guy, as I seem only capable of going left and not right on the directional pad.

from the log:
DEBUG: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Anomalous trigger detected on axis 1 (initial value = 1.000000)

Your joystick driver combines left and right onto a single axis. The Joystick API has a difficult problem of detecting whether the axis is a trigger, an anomalous trigger, an analog stick, a hat, a pressure-sensitive button, an accelerometer, or entirely nonexistent. In that post I outline my solution and offer some ideas on how we could improve detection.

(2015-10-02, 08:05)natethomas Wrote: Also, I was really hoping to finally get the SNES failure issue resolved, but on OE it looks like I still can't launch an SNES game. That problem can be found in the same log. No idea how other people are playing SNES games right now.

here's the error with bSNES Mercury:
DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - SNES (bSNES Mercury)
DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/usr/lib/kodi/addons/game.libretro/
DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/kodi/addons/game.libretro/
ERROR: AddOnLog: SNES (bSNES Mercury): Unable to load /usr/lib/kodi/addons/game.libretro.bsnes-mercury/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: AddOnLog: SNES (bSNES Mercury): Failed to load /usr/lib/kodi/addons/game.libretro.bsnes-mercury/
ERROR: ADDON: Dll SNES (bSNES Mercury) - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
INFO: Called Add-on status handler for '6' of clientName:SNES (bSNES Mercury), clientID:game.libretro.bsnes-mercury (same Thread=no)
ERROR: RetroPlayer: Failed to init game client

The libretro core,, doesn't exist. This is probably a problem with the build system. Yesterday fortenbt reported bsnes-mercury failed to compile for RPi, which is probably the cause.

Does Beetle bSNES work?
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
It doesn't show up as a listed option. I select the file and nothing happens.
Check the core matrix. Beetle bSNES doesn't support samba
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2015-10-02, 10:06)garbear Wrote: Check the core matrix. Beetle bSNES doesn't support samba

That did it.

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SNES to USB converter issue on RPi/OpenELEC0