Android Sound on TVBox Player yes - on Kodi sometimes ??
Hello Kodi - user and Helper ,

I'm new in the Community came with the purchase of a HiMedia H8 Octacore TV box with Android 5.1 as the operating system.
I hope to be here right and anyone can help me.

My Problem:

I Have the H8unboxed then connnected to my TV, Internet etc. and made all Uptades. Also of KODI from 14.1 to 15.1.
Then I Installed addon packages to get LiveTV Youtube etc.

Up to this point everything without problems.

But the sound. When i switch through the user interface of Android TVBox i can listen audio GU clicking and chirping. The same by The KODI menus. But when i start a television station .. no sound. OK - I start a movie from the hard drive - or a Youtube video - again no sound.

I change back to homepage of the box and start here a Youtube Video - Sound is on. I start on the integrated media player, a video - sound - everything was perfect. I'll stop the video and now also Kodi came from the background (unvisible) an bring the sound from the IPTV.

So I switch back to Kodi and see television with sound. But by clicking on the image (to display the menus) silenced the sound back.

In the course of my experiments it presents itself that the settings for the audio output at Kodi apparently has no influence. Whether I spend the audiostream via HDMI directly to the TV or passthrough via SPDIF to the AVR, everything always bring the same results the sound comes rarely (sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly at the middle of the video, or when i leave and recall Kodi) and disappears when trying to control KODI.

what is the problem

pls help if everyone can

sorry for my horrible english :-)
have exactly the same problem... can't find the way to fix it Sad

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Sound on TVBox Player yes - on Kodi sometimes ??0