HOW-TO: Skin the Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) python script
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Apple Movie Trailers can have custom skins. How it works is if you have the Default skin selected in settings. AMT will first look and see if a skin with the same name as XBMC's skin exists and use that. If not it will use the default skin. If you have anything other than the Default skin selected, it will use that skin.

I have seen a few skins so far that look great, so I'm sure it's simple enough to follow for skinners, but I thought I would mention a few things.

It's pretty straight forward. The newest version from SVN (pre-0.95) is XBMC 2.1 skin compliant, except for list controls. Those should still use the pre 2.1 version.

*There are currently four required xml files: skin.xml, settings.xml, credits.xml and context_menu.xml.

*You may add an optional 16x9 version: skin_16x9.xml, settings_16x9.xml, credits_16x9.xml and context_menu_16x9.xml.

*skin.xml and skin_16x9.xml use <include> tags and a defaults.xml file. The other xml files do not, this is for speed loading.

*At the top of the xml file there is a <resolution> tag, use this to let to setCoordinateResolution() properly.

*List controls have an optional tag <hidespinner>. If true an optional scrollbar may be used. This is only used in the skin.xml and skin_16x9.xml files.

*You may have a thumbnail.tbn file in your root folder, this is for the skin chooser in settings. Should resize it to something small. I used 160x90.

*If your skin requires a specific XBMC skin because of <include> tags or images, add a blank warning.txt file in your root folder.

*There is a gfx folder in your skins folder. This is where you place any custom images. To use these images in your skin, prepend the images filename with a backslash. (e.g. \background.png)

*There are four generic thumbnails named: generic-actor.tbn, generic-genre.tbn, generic-studio.tbn and generic-trailer.tbn. These are used in the corresponding list control.

*The different genres may have there own thumbnail instead of a generic one, just name them genrename.tbn. (e.g. Drama.tbn)

*There is blank-poster.tbn for trailers without a poster.

*These tbn files go in the gfx folder.

*You may move and size controls. Change navigation, pretty much full control like XBMC. The required controls are marked in the xml. For those controls DO NOT change the description or the type. For required labels, you may make those buttons to add a shadow. Python's label does not have shadow.

*You may be able to hide certain required controls, but make sure they stay in the xml file.

*There is one "Optional Button" in skin.xml and skin_16x9.xml. It is used by utilizing an <onclick> tag. In the default skin.xml there is an example.

*In the credits.xml and credits_16x9.xml files is where you may add your credits. They go in the "Skin Credits List". <label> is the left column and <label2> is the right column.

I look forward to seeing what you skinners can do. From what I've seen so far, it looks good.
For python coding questions first see
added: new list control to settings.xml and settings_16x9.xml (Popup List2, sorry)
For python coding questions first see

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HOW-TO: Skin the Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) python script0