Tv Shows on second hard drive crashes!
Just a note to not depend on windows reporting hard drive issues. I use Hard Disk Sentinel (got a free lic) to monitor 13 drives... I had a listing of 'failure imminent' on one of the drives, saved all the files, but the last two files took 15 minutes to copy out. Windows never gave a hint.

Not saying your new disk is going sour, but don't discount it based on age.

Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you know I finally fixed the problem!!

I discovered that when installing a skin like Aeon MQ6, it also installs a bunch of different addons to Kodi. So it was only logical to troubleshoot every single addon. (A quick tip to do this is to move a bunch of addons from the 'addons' folder in windows explorer, instead of disabling them through Kodi).

So after troubleshooting the different addons, I found that the addon that crashed my videos was the addon called service.nextup.notification, which is an addon that provides Netflix-like notifications about the "next up episode".

How this only got to crash tv series on some of my drives, may just be a funny coincidence. I actually did not get to test every single tv show.

Anyways, thanks for everything! :-)
Thank you so much for updating the thread with your solution!

Just upgraded to 15.2 and Aeon MQ6 and was having the same problem and couldn't work out why it was effecting only some files.

Disabling that addon fixed it for me to Big Grin
(2015-11-28, 21:49)starkos Wrote: Thank you so much for updating the thread with your solution!

Just upgraded to 15.2 and Aeon MQ6 and was having the same problem and couldn't work out why it was effecting only some files.

Disabling that addon fixed it for me to Big Grin

Great! Glad I could help! Big Grin

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