sFTP file system and write access

I'm using sFTP protocol to connect to my media library for all my Kodi players.

The user I set for the sFTP access has write rights on all my media folders, but Kodi never write anything to these folders.

For example, the subtitles that I have set to be written to the same directory as the media file, are always put in the .kodi/temp folder of the 'local' Kodi player.
Kodi doesn't even try to write it to the sFTP folder where the media actually is...

When using smb or nfs shares, kodi can write to the remote folders... so why not when using sFTP protocol?

Is there a limitation with the sFTP implementation used in Kodi?

Is there a setting I missed in Kodi configuration?

Thank you very much.
XBMC Openelec
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