CEC Remote repeat rate

I have a question regarding the repeat rate of my CEC remote.
I'm using a NUC PC with an cec adapter from pulse eight connected to a Samsung TV and Openelec installed on it.

I recently updated from kodi 14 to 15.2 (openelec 6.0.1) and noticed after the update that the repeat rate of my remote during long press of an key is much faster then before.
E.g. when I scroll through the menus the scrolling is very fast. Or when i scroll through a movie with the left/right buttons the setting for the shortest jump was 30sec, now its 10sec. but when i press longer it is so fast that i cant set the cursor to a position it goes most time till the end of the movie.
Is it related to my configuration or was there a change in this area?
And is there a setting to slow down this?

Changes from Kodi 14 to 15
Adaptive seeking (aka Skip Steps) – The more times you press a button to seek in a period of time, the larger the jump forward or backward will be.
Video on how it works: https://youtu.be/2QrhphxMJCQ
Thanks for the link!
And can i somewhere adjust how many key press kodi recognize during a long press on the remote?

I have no idea, try reading kodi wiki: http://kodi.wiki/view/Skip_steps

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