Netflix app with Flirc remote control (Windows 8/10)
This isn't a question. It's more of a tip. I did not do any of this work myself. I read a ton of articles and watched a lot of videos but saw this nowhere on the support or tips forums, so I though I'd share it.

My setup is Windows 10 Pro. I am using a Flirc with Netflix Remote Controller

Step 1. Create a simple directory. The less nested, the better. In my experience the past few months with Kodi, I think you're more likely to run into issues, the deeper the directory. In my case, I have "C:\HTPC_Shortcuts", without quotes. I use an underscore because, my experience, Kodi doesn't do well with whitespace. It's not a criticism. Lots of programs are like that.

Step 2. In your newly created directory, in my case "C:\HTPC_Shortcuts", create another directory where you will be placing your shortcut. In my case I named it "NetflixWithRemote".

Step 3. In the "NetflixWithRemote", or whatever you chose to name it, directory, extract the Netflix remote controller. Now make a shortcut of it (Right-click, create shortcut). Then rename the shortcut to remove the whitespace. In my case "NetflixRemoteController.exe(ShortCut)"

Step 4. I forget how to do it with Advanced Launcher ever since I started using Revolve, so you''ll have to do some reading on how ot put the shortcut in Kodi. If you really need help, I'm sure I can lend a hand or someone else will.

Step 5. Configure your Flirc. It's dead simple to do this. The only thing that you NEED to do is configure your left, right, up, down, enter, back, and exit buttons. I configured my remote's Exit button to "ctrl + alt + q".

You are done! Enjoy using your Netflix app with Kodi!

Step 6. This last step is unecessary but I found it handy. If you right click on any shortcut and click properties, you can set a "Shortcut key". I set Netflix to be "Ctrl + Alt +N", then in Flirc, set the red button on my remote to ctrl+alt+n....Now the red button on my remote launches Netflix. Similarly, I set my Kodi shortcut key to "Ctrl + Alt + K", and set ctrl+alt+k to my remote's blue button in Flirc. Now, if kodi force closes, I can reopen it with my remote. HAZZAA!

Let me know what you guys think. I love using Playon Browser, but it doesn't give you the highest quality GUI for browsing Netflix. I still use Playon for inserting tv shows in Netflix into my library, so this is not meant to be a supplement or take away from Lunatix in anyway.
It's simply perfect and works like a charm without shortcut. you just need to add the new launcher (by Advanced Launcher) in your favorite and then add it into the theme menu.
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Netflix app with Flirc remote control (Windows 8/10)1