Kodi Becomes Unresponsive Cleaning Library
I had a substantial sized library, over 2000 audio files, on my Kodi.

I no longer wish to access them any longer so i have removed their source. Now, the library stll holds their information. In an attempt to get rid of the library, I've selected Clean library.

I am finding after several attempts that unless i am constantly monitoring the process to avoid it hibernating, Kodi will go unresponsive. After 3 hours and progressed to 50%, it hung. I don't think i have time to allow it to do its thing, especially if it keeps going unresponsive.

Is their a quick way of eliminating the library?

I'm tempted to uninstall and reinstall Kodi and start fresh. It sure would be quicker and more reliable to start over from square one. Would this clear the library, or would i carry it over to the new installation?


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