v16 [Solved/Howto] Failed mysql upgrade
Not sure what happened here, but I'll share it in case it's useful to someone else.

With the release of the OpenElec Jarvis beta, I finally took the plunge today and upgrade my main (xubuntu 14.04/mysql) Kodi installation.

apt-get dist-upgrade, start Kodi... splashscreen... nothing. Start again, splashscreen, nothing. Repeat until bored.

Dipping into advancedsettings.xml to switch debug logging on, check the log file:

16:29:28 T:139668191242240  NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic56
16:29:28 T:139668191242240   ERROR: SQL: [MyVideos99] The table does not exist

... so I concluded that there's something wrong with the underlying tables, and Kodi is simply shooting itself as a result. How to force a db upgrade, though?

Drop to mysql:

$ mysql -u root -p
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mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| MyMusic46          |
| MyMusic48          |
| MyMusic52          |
| MyMusic56          |
| MyVideos78         |
| MyVideos90         |
| MyVideos93         |
| MyVideos99         |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
11 rows in set (0.04 sec)

... so the databases are there (MyMusic56 and MyVideos99 for Jarvis, plus you can see some relics of earlier versions - Database_versions (wiki)), but obviously not working - table corruption? Well, I've got the Isengard databases, and I took a database backup (mysqldump, as per my own post here) before I tried upgrading (you'd all do that... right?) - so, let's just drop them and try again:

mysql> drop database MyVideos99;
Query OK, 22 rows affected (1.16 sec)

mysql> drop database MyMusic56;
Query OK, 20 rows affected (0.72 sec)

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| MyMusic46          |
| MyMusic48          |
| MyMusic52          |
| MyVideos78         |
| MyVideos90         |
| MyVideos93         |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Re-start Jarvis, and tail -f on kodi.log shows the database upgrade... and all is now good.

No idea what happened, but just in case it's useful. Now, off to break the OE boxes Smile

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[Solved/Howto] Failed mysql upgrade0