Linux Kodibuntu networking issue

I am super new to Linux but good with windows. My problem is to do with networking and I am hoping the wizards in here can help me.

I have a windows PC which is running windows 10. It contains all my media.
I have a computer connected to my tv which is running kodibuntu and is a new install from the site as of the 19th March 2016.
These computers are connected by a CAT 6a network.

When I start Kodi I cannot access my windows PC to add media. Error 2: share not available
If I however quit kodi and log in to lubuntu, start the file manager click on networks I can see the PC. If I go into it I can click around and see my media fine.
Then if I restart the kodi software without rebooting it sees the windows PC and I can add media and it all works amazingly.

If I reboot my kodibuntu pc however when I get back into Kodi I can not see my media. Error 2: share not available. If repeat the steps above it works again until reboot.

How can I get my Kodibuntu PC to see my windows drives always.

Thanks for your help.

your PC probably has an ssd and boots fast. What likely happens is that kodi starts before the network is up.
To solve this you have to delay kodi startup until the network interface is configured.
One way is the other is tweaking upstart to only start lightdm after the network is read. Search the forum/net for this if Wakeonlan doesn't work for you.
Hi, Thanks for the reply. I have the windows PC running 24/7 so its up and running before I start Kodi so that is not the problem.

I turned it on but it had no effect. Any other ideas?

Thanks again for the reply.

it has nothing to do with the server. the network on kodibuntu is not ready before kodi starts.
Oh ok. Yes both Server and kodi have SSDs. The wake up on lan didnt fix it. I have googled the start 'lightdm after the network is read' but cant find a solution. Also how do I edit config files without gedit installed? I tried installing it but had library errors. I am a unix noob.
Edit config files with nano. To edit any system config files you will need root permissions so

sudo nano /path/to/file

Enter your usual login password when you are asked for a password.

What to add to your lightdm.conf is in this post
Learning Linux the hard way !!
That has fixed it. Amazing. Thanks for your help. Hopefully I can stay out of the unix code now and enjoy Kodi!

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