Problem with watched indicator don't work

Finally found what was making mistake in my unwatched/watched status...

Running on openelec 6.03 in pi3 Kodi 15.2

I can't manually adjust the watched status, no action, no change. Only if really watched in player.
After many hours of investigations it's titan skin who corrupt this!

I explain, tried a hard reset with confluence --> works
Install and activate TITAN (my best skin so i'm sade) --> don't works, only if really watched or if already marked before.
Try to come back in confluence --> don't work, necessary to do a hard reset openelec to have this functionnal...
Test many skins, avalon,aeon nox and MK6, nebula --> work fine.
This is only TITAN problem version 3.5.96 (maybe)

Do you have a solution for me because even if titan is slow with pi3, i think it's the best skin, many adjustments allowed and easy.


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Problem with watched indicator don't work0