Movie Sets no posters
On some movie sets Kodi doesn't show a poster on some sets in poster view. If I've made changes to that set it just comes up blank. On version 15 and before it would just grab a poster from one of the movies in that set as a place holder, and that's just fine with me. Any way to get version 16 to do this? This is the confluence skin but it does this in others as well.

Yes it's usually an image within the set that is default if there isn't one assigned. The poster is a look-up thumb, so if there's nothing available or the source is not online, you'll get a blank. You can easily set something manually with the 'context menu'. and the add-on 'Movie Set Artwork Automator', should keep everything in order. From my understanding there will be changes in the future in how this works, but until the changes come in you are best keeping a set's poster available in the local first folder.
I have all the data local. For example I have a folder named Dirty Harry. With subfolders being each movie and in those folders are the movie, nfo, poster, fanart, actors, etc. In the past Kodi would use one of the posters in a movie folder for the set poster. But know it doesn't. I'll look into the addon, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Quote:I have a folder named Dirty Harry. With subfolders being each movie
Kodi doesn't drill down into that 'sub' folder for the poster (I don't think it ever did). Bringing the movies out to flat file folders would allow for correct function, otherwise investigate the add-on.

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Movie Sets no posters0