Req Keymap - longpress for 0 & 1

I would like to be able to map a longpress to the virtual keyboard, so that when 0 or 1 is pressed and held that the numbers are displayed.

At the moment, if the virtual keyboard is mapped to recieve sms style inputs, pressing one and zero cycle through all the available symbols before eventually landing on the number. And "longpressing" cycles extremely fast through all symbols... Which is kind of useless.

The desired effect is achievable with every other number by being able to use "NumberX" as the single press action and "JumpSMS" as the longpress action as seen below. But because 0 and 1 do not have JumpSMS ability there doesn't seem to be an obvious work around, which sucks.

<two mod="longpress">JumpSMS2</two>
<three mod="longpress">JumpSMS3</three>
<four mod="longpress">JumpSMS4</four>
<five mod="longpress">JumpSMS5</five>
<six mod="longpress">JumpSMS6</six>
<seven mod="longpress">JumpSMS7</seven>
<eight mod="longpress">JumpSMS8</eight>
<nine mod="longpress">JumpSMS9</nine>

Common sense solutions would be to:

A. move the numbers 0 and 1 to the front of the "symbol cycle" instead of at the end. This way when a user is looking to input the digits they do not have to cycle through the entire symbol listing to get to the digit

B. Add a JumpSMS feature to 0 and 1 that would allow us to achieve this using a longpress.

C. Both.

So JumpSMS2 types "2" on the virtual keyboard? I learned something new today ;)

I'm not sure what the solution to your use case should be, or what action IDs should be used, but I like the idea of using long-press for SMS-style input to give more/faster options.

Using "Number" will cycle alphabet and numeric
Using "JumpSMS" will display only the numeric value of the button.

Which is completely contradicting.,.

But i'd really like to be able to longpress 0 & 1 to achieve the same effect as the rest of the buttons.

hopefully this feature can be picked up in Kodi... I've tried everything, there seems to be no solution to this.
Maybe a script could be ran on the long-press command. I don't know if that would work, if a script could return a character for the virtual keyboard or not.
Not sure... But going down that path is just too much trouble. plus, if the script were to input the digit 0 ... wouldn't kodi just recognize that as a press of 0 on the keyboard, then effectively just cycle the first symbol associated with that number.

All this wouldn't really be a problem if Kodi just cycled the digits for 1 and 0 first and then the symbols, instead of cycling the symbols first and digits last.
For all other buttons this makes sense, but for 0 and 1? not so much.

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Keymap - longpress for 0 & 10