Mygica atv 600
Hello new user here....I had issues with sine Addons and was told to do a factory reset on my box and now when I go to file manager to try to add a link for Addons a window pops up saying Remote Share Couldn't connect to network server. but I am connected 100%. How do I fix this thanks
Which add-ons or sites are you having problems with?

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Ok thank you, a friend had added before and now they don't work. Just like Showbox was on it when I got the box and now it's gone and when I try to get back it's asking for a monthly subscription. Is there a place where I can find add ons allowed

Thank u
Thank you very much for the help
That link you gave...I'm still getting a window pop up staying unable to connect-couldn't retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network to being connected. Would you like to add it anyway?? When I Check settings it says connected

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