play http Video "http udp in same time?"
good morning
i'm beginner
please how i can do this :
url =http: ”25”&net_protocol=”udp”&net_client_ip=""&net_client_port=5000
and the url return html response after request it :
if Stream started return ‘stream started in udp://’.
if not started (error) return ‘stream not started’.
with vlc and kodi to i can play stream with udp://@, after request the url Http
“my question”
after add the url http in my ListItem how i can play the url udp, send the http cmd for fix setting of the returned stream (idx, ip_client, and the port client) and in same time play (capture) it with udp protocol
(please I need the algorithm solution, I can do it in standard add-on with xbmcgui.Window but with addDirectoryItem I can't)

excus me for bad english

a biginner has no place hereHuh?!!!!!
That's not exactly a beginner's question, and it's in the wrong place to get the sort of help you're looking for.

I'll move this to add-on development (and remove the duplicate post you made too) to see if someone can help. I know you're not really trying to make an add-on, but add-on authors would probably have a better chance to have an answer.
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you add the udp url as listitem, not the http one.
thanks a lot dear MODERATOR, I apologize for the double post (I do this just to increase response chance after a significant wait time)
thank you wsnipex

my question is how i can pass on requete http to server and with it i prepare the server to resend the desired udp stream(listItem receive the action click(send cmd http and in same time listen the returned udp stream) ), and after a lot of search, I have found the solution in post of (Roman_V_M)

thanks again for you and Roman_V_M too

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play http Video "http udp in same time?"0