SmartPlaylist: Limit Number of Viewed Entries
Hi folks,

Would be nice if ALL smart playlists could behave like the PartyMode smartplaylist in that it only displays the upcoming 10 songs once it has completed processing the rules in the smartplaylist.


I completely disagree its a playlist that should list everything getting played not a random collection of songs that its only picked 10 random ones of
Hi Jezz_X,

I created a smartplaylist that plays ALL of the songs between 1980-1989 that are Genre of Rock, Pop, Soul, Urban ... this is an example.

Selecting the smartplaylist causes XBMC to scan through the library and return ALL 8200 songs that match the rules above - a lengthy process. To speed the process up, I applied the limit option as suggested in the Online Manual and set that to 500 with a Random order.

Problem is XBMC only returns the first 500 songs that match and then randomizes those ... which is understandable. An additional problem is XBMC takes a long time to display the Now Playing list when the list count is over 1500+ (or like in the example above) . .. which is also understandable.

Some questions:

- Could an option be added that allow users to save the results of the last smartplaylist scan to a separate MyMusic DB and use it the next time instead of rescanning?

- Would reducing the number of entries displayed at a time in Now Playing to something similar to PartyMode reduce the time to display Now Playing?

- Can the functionality of the smartplaylist processing be enhanced such that it scans the entire library based on rules in the smartplaylist, then applies the random rule for the number of entries desired (ex: 500)?



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SmartPlaylist: Limit Number of Viewed Entries0