Thumbs View - Tag Font Settings
I use the thumbs and thumbs details view a lot. When i turn on Tags to display the title it works for my files and some catch up tv addons. But when i do for youtube and it displays two line of text (the second being the year). The problem being that it no longer sits in the black area for the font and is hard to read. Which xml file controls this font settings. I have looked through some of the view xml files but haven't found it. I would like to get rid of that second line. Thanks.
Can you please make a screenshot of the issue ?

BTW: Do not edit the xml files yourself, your changes will get lost at skin updates and simply overwriting files will get you in a unsupported situation.
Better to ask for support on the forums or to pull the source from Git so you can merge in the updates properly if you insist on editing the xml yourself
Thanks, I have turned auto updates off for now as I like messing around, but will look into the git stuff. For now i found in IncludesVariables.xml what I am looking for in the ThumbListDetails variable. This is only occuring because i messed around with the Tag background to be smaller and only allow for one line, so it took up less of the thumbnail. Probably be better if the tag was underneath the thumbnail.
Be carefull with messing around because a lot of latest changes have breaking changes so you can end up in a non working setup or missing features as some stuff is deppendant on eachother. Hope you get what I mean.

If you fork the source on Git you can update my changes from upstream while still being able to include your own changes.
Also, if you have any good additions you can choose to submit those changes to me so they will be included in the main skin code.

Fot this particular issue I can help you with including the change. What exactly did you change where ?
Or can you make a screenshot of the issue so I get what you mean ?

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