Does, Settings > Appearance > File Lists > Ignore articles when sorting, work?
Can someone verify that Settings -> Appearance -> File Lists -> Ignore articles when sorting works.

I'm trying to track down if its Kodi or the Emby for Kodi plugin causing my install to always ignore articles when sorting regardless if this setting is on or off.

Yes it does but by default it will only ignore "The" when sorting so if you're expecting it to ignore other stuff like "A" or "An" then it won't do that unless you specify in the advancesettings.xml file.
Thanks for the response jjd. I'm actually trying to turn it OFF.

I want The Americans and The Daily Show and The Big Bang Theory to sort together but turning "ignore articles" off has no affect. I tested with Kodi 16.1 and the latest 17 nightlies with the same result.

Can you turn it off and all your "The" shows sort together?
That's how it works for me, I turn it off and everything with 'The' shows together, it works like this in the library and file view too.
Thanks Veng3r. I'll head over to the Emby for Kodi forum. It must be on their end.
Got it figured out. There are some sort options hard wired on the Emby Server side.
Here's the solution.

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Does, Settings > Appearance > File Lists > Ignore articles when sorting, work?0