Screen reader help needed
Hey guys i am trying to get a fire stick setup with kodi for a legally blind user. I have done some research and found out that kodi has a screen reader add on. It is located in addons, repositories, then services. I seen a video of it working on you tube but my problem is i can't get it to work. When i install it it errors and tells me to check the log. I was wondering if anyone else is using it or if someone would be willing to try it and see if it will work for you, or maybe someone can tell me who I could contact about this problem as far as i can tell it is built in to kodi and I have no idea who to comtact directly with kodi. Thanks in advance for any help.
The add-on's support thread is here. It's author (ruuk) is a team member, and is active.

So your best bet is to post your issue there, and also to gather a debug log (wiki), upload it to or somewhere similar and supply the link that they will provide along with your support request to help analyse what the problem may be.
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Kodi Blog Posts
Hello Ruuk I launched speech.server in Debian 8 jessie for ARmhf processors. I've installed espeak earlier. I installed mpg123. after starting the server, it receives information: speech.server config file located /root/.config/speech.server/config.txt , speech.server tarting addres port 8256 speech.server connect to When I open the address in the browser, I WILL RECEIVE INFORMATION ABOUT ERROR: 404 Not Found The path '/' was not found. Traceback (most recent call last): File "lib / cherrypy /", line 670, in respond response.body = self.handler ()  File "lib / cherrypy / lib /", line 217, in __call__ self.body = self.oldhandler (* args, ** kwargs) File "lib / cherrypy /", line 411, in __call__ raise self NotFound: (404, "The path '/' was not found.") Powered by CherryPy 3.3.0 What should I add to the file configg.txt to the line pleyer = because here I left an empty field. pleyer = mpg123 What packages of votes for debian can I still install after espeak? Regards Waldek

You just posted in a thread that stopped in December 2016. You also entered a post in a different, more recent topic.
I suggest you either continue in the other thread and I will put the above post in the proverbial bin.

Please also note that posting logs, or parts thereof, are preferably received via a pastebin website near you. Our forum is a bit clumsy when a log is pasted directly into the text editor. Line endings and certain text combination are not processed correctly. It also tends to clog up our forum server unnecessarily.

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Screen reader help needed0