Kodi Krypton RC3 strange RAM usuage
I've been running Kodi on my QNAP NAS for about 2 years now have worked right up through from v14 when I first got the NAS to Krypton RC3.

I've noticed recently Kodi using quite a large amount of RAM, more than I've experienced in the past. When I first boot Kodi up its using about 360MB of RAM which is perfectly reasonable. I've watched locally stored content like movies, tv shows and also listend to flac / MP3 music. The RAM tends to hover around the same mark only moving up or down a few MB. The problem comes when I start streaming content like radio or YouTube add on. The RAM seems to just keep increasing and increasing until playback is stopped when it'll just stay at what ever level it's at.

My partner uses the YouTube add on to listen to music so this is used on a daily basis. Before my last restart of Kodi it's ram usage was up to 1.8GB which seems extremely high. Even once playback had stopped usages remained at this level. I leave Kodi on 24/7 so it never really has a chance to get rid of this usage.

Running a 3 minute music video on YouTube at 720p takes my ram from 322MB to 375MB which then dropped to 347 after playback. Playing the same video again ram goes from 347 to 384 then 377 once playback is stopped. It doesn't seem too bad but when you have a playlist with 100 videos each making the ram increase by 20MB each time it soon adds up.

Is this normally behaviour for Kodi, should it be doing this or should the ram be staying around the same usage and not constantly increasing?

I have no advanced settings configured relating to buffer or cache.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have been having serious ram issues as well. It got so bad that even at idle with no playback, it barely lasted a day. Ram usage keeps increasing and in less than a day, it maxes out my 2GB and kodi kills itself and restarts.

With the betas, it was lasting a few days, but with rc3 only hours.

I was using a heavy skin (titan) and had a bunch of services running.

I stripped my install of most of these addons, went back to estuary so kodi is pretty much barebones. Ram usage still keeps going up, but at a much lower pace.

I observed this behavior on both an asus chromebox running LE beta (17rc3) as well as a home built xeon with a GT710
Noticed this too and I'm on 8GB.
After a week or so of uptime about 7GB is in use.
This is on RC1, 2 and 3.

Not sure when this all starred but I'll put my cards on the table and say I can't be bothered to find out. But there's a leak somewhere.
Assumed it might have been related to a kernel update or something.

This is on a minimal CLI install of ubuntu and no extras whatsoever apart from tbs pvr addon.
RC4 on an old C2D with 4G RAM; a number of video addons (youtube, abcfamily, buzzfeed, hgtv) and RAM is not so bad... hovering around 600 MB with 2 days of uptime. How are you reading the ram usage?

Try it this way:

while read command percent rss; do
  if [[ "${command}" != "COMMAND" ]]; then
    rss="$(bc <<< "scale=2;${rss}/1024")"
  printf " %-26s%-8s%s\n" "${command}" "${percent}" "${rss} MB" \
  | sed 's/COMMAND/PROGRAM/' | sed 's/RSS MB/#MEM/'
done < <(ps -A --sort -rss -o comm,pmem,rss | head -n 20)

# Display the top applications of memory usage
# http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-check-memory-usage/#comment-51021
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Kodi Krypton RC3 strange RAM usuage0