I want legal stuff - Canada QC
Hello Kodi users!

So I found on Amazon.ca some nice Android TV Box preloaded with Kodi (Nothing illegal there I suppose), It comes also with Amazon and Netflix. Comes with 2GB of RAM and a nice 8 Core CPU, can read 4K, etc.

Right now I'm running OSMC on my Rasp Pi 3 in my room, the Android Box will be for my living room.

- Al Jazeera have live tv from their website, can I safely add this to IPTV Simple Addon? Is it legal?
- Some other public channels in my province are also available live on their website, can I take wireshark to find the url and add this to my Kodi? (There is no ads on their website, only on the live channel itself)

- Is there some IPTV provider in Canada that offer Live TV for Kodi? I found some but they require their own box and I cannot install other apps, I want an HTPC like experience)

- Looking in my favorite search engine (not g00gle Wink ), I found plenty of live IPTV services for like 30$ a month, how do I know which one are legal and which one are not?

Thanks for your help guys! Keep the good work! I"m using XBMC since 2007 Big Grin
Not sure how how good the Android box on Amazon is bit take a look at the mi box it is discussed in the hardware section you and add the Amazon app your self but it comes google approve for DRM so you can get true 4k from Netflix... Then you can use kodi or recommend spmc with a simple apk install and you will be good to go... As far at the IPTV I know not.... Just want to give you a option of the Android box ... It like a cheap Nvidia shield of course less powerful to
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IPTV is one thing that I cannot give advice on that as I personally do not use it, but I can personally recommend that you first read up on the "PVR" capabilities of Kodi as a frontend to get free and legal TV channel from non-IPTV sources, and by that I am refering to free TV channels over OTA (Over-The-Air) or cable:

Read the wiki articles about " http://kodi.wiki/view/PVR " and " http://kodi.wiki/view/PVR_backend " in the Kodi wiki.

That is, if you want an HTPC experince with free and legal TV channels then I recommend that you get an TV-antenna and one or two Linux-compatible USB TV-tuners and connect to your Raspberry Pi and install Tvheadend TV server on it to use as a PVR backend for Kodi. Doing so is a cheap solution to put a TV-tuning server on your local network which can also serve free OTA (Over-The-Air) TV-streams to your other Kodi devices on the same network.

Alternativly you could get a network-attached TV-tuner such as example a SiliconDust HDHomeRun instead. Such a network-attached TV-tuner is a little more expensive but is more flexible as all devices can access it directly and does not require you to setup a PVR backend if you don't want to record (DVR) video.

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I want legal stuff - Canada QC0