Win Virus in "uninstall.exe"?
I installed the Kodi metro app on Windows 10. Norton Security detects "uninstall.exe", from the app directory, as a threat.

And this is why I don't recommend Norton.
The actual virus is Norton.
(2017-03-25, 01:32)S Malik Wrote: I installed the Kodi metro app on Windows 10. Norton Security detects "uninstall.exe", from the app directory, as a threat.

In all seriousness there is definitely no virus in the kodi package. Norton is wrong. Fortunately it only seems like uninstall.exe is impacted, and you only need that if you want to uninstall kodi. And you don't.

If possible report this to Norton as a false positive so they can update their data files.

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Virus in "uninstall.exe"?1