[Solved] Kodi 17 + memory card in laptop
I have just downloaded the latest version of Kodi to my laptop. I'm trying to select a folder for video files. That folder is on a memory card. I cannot seem to get a directory structure that has the memory card. I can find C:, "Home folder", NFS,... but nothing that seems to direct me to the memory card. Can I select a memory card? Or do I have to copy everything to the C: drive (which does not have enough space)?

Thank you.
Make sure the sdcard volume is recognized within the OS and properly formatted.
Then it should be visible within Kodi like any other source.
Can you see the card and contents in the OS..?
Thank you. I realized my error. I had entitled the card "videos", so when I went to find the card, I got confused between this (as a source of data) and the other option to add videos. Once I realized the card itself was labeled as "videos", I was able to find everything.

Sorry for the confusion.
No problem, glad you got it 'fixed' :-)

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[Solved] Kodi 17 + memory card in laptop0