Solved How to make TV Show library act like Movie library
After adding a handful of movies, the movie view starts to look delightful:

I can see thumbnails of movies, and if I want to find a particular movie, I can go through the categories menu.

However, I added a TV Show, and the story is very different:

I can't see my shows! I need to go through two menus before I can see what I have, and many of the categories presented are empty.

Is there any way to change the behaviour to match that of the Movies section?
Odd, after trying to load this again, it seems to now show the tv programs as cards, just like the movies appear.
It should work exactly the same as movies. Don't know how you "loaded" again, but sounds like it is working. Maybe it took a while to scrape?

The main problem users have is poor naming. Always check you show name against the scraper website. If you are using the default scraper, then it would be here...

It is important that your show name exactly matches the way it is listed on that site. For example, a recent problem that was reported was a show called "Mr. Robot", the user was trying to scrape "Mr Robot" (missing full stop) and it would not scrape.

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How to make TV Show library act like Movie library0