Kodi 17.5.1 Restore Items of Menu
accidentally i deleted a couple of items of menu. I cant restores them using the options of editing menu items in Skin Settings
ive tried reinstalling Kodi deleting all data previously and still dont appear deleted items
Hello lito,

Try not to get in the habit of uninstalling and reinstalling when things go wrong. 95% of the time the issue won't be resolved and in many cases it can make the problem worse.

To reinstate your menu items, just go to settings as described here... http://kodi.wiki/view/Skin_settings#Main...s_Settings

Hope that helps
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i am using Skin TITAN
In TITAN only appears skin setings/configure the home screen menu layout/
and still I cant resolve my problem
If you are having issues with a specific skin you need to post in that skins sub-forum for help.

Moving to the Titan sub-forum.
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Go to...

Settings>Skin Settings>Configure Shortcuts>Edit menu shortcuts

Scroll to the missing menu option. Then scroll down the list of options until you find "Disable Shortcut". Disable it.
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ok , I disable It , but still dont appear in the menu list. Ive tried also with restore it . Tks for your help
It shouldn't make a difference, but which Main Menu option is it?
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tv shows - Movies
Have you actually scraped any movies and TV Shows into the library?
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no , not yet
Well, that is why.

Some skins won't show the options if the library is empty. If you go back to Estuary, it will show up, but it will ask you to either add movies or remove item. Like in the image below

Follow this guide to add sources... http://kodi.wiki/view/Quick_start_guide
Follow this guide to ensure your movies and tv shows are correctly named or else they won't scrape... http://kodi.wiki/view/Naming_video_files

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Kodi 17.5.1 Restore Items of Menu0