Mac HD filled by a music scan with a rar file in the folder "Where is my space gone"?
Hello guys,

first of all, the kodi version (for karaoke cdg file support) is 15.2, but maybe an answer to my question can help others even on newer versions too.

I started a Music library scan on a new source and in that folder I had mp3's, cdg's and "then", I found, even a rar file (with a lot of mp3+cdg files inside).

When the scan reached the rar archive it continued the scan for the files inside and I started seeing a big drop in the harddrive empty space... Stoooop!

..then I found the rar file, removed, new scan from scratch and everything is fine now... but...

->but I lost many GB of precious disk space and I cannot find which files are using it.

I already checked in the userdata folder but I couldn't find anything.... any help, please?
FYI...Kodi does not create or delete any files while scanning your media. So, likely there are other forces at work.

Get us a debug log (wiki) for the initial info.

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Mac HD filled by a music scan with a rar file in the folder "Where is my space gone"?0