Kodi crashes on start
Well I made a test and a decision.

Due I am going to use the raspberry as an only music center and no video needed, and Kodi is making me lose so many hours I deccided to run a command line player through the VNC player, and to interacct with it I have an old 6" android eReader and a bluetooth Keyboard. I downloaded "cmus" as a command line music player and is working like a charm. Is less fancy but as a linux user I like to use a non graphical environment.

Also I downloaded volumio, because I read is based on Raspbian and you can add the repositories of that to install the major part of the software, so its possible it is a good option. At this moment I am not going to spend time on it, but maybe I burn the image on another microSD card and I some day I don't know what to do or I am not happy with the actual setup I will give it a try.

A special mention deserves the sound of the raspberry... Connecting my speakers and amplifier to it makes my soul cry. Just bought a DAC for the raspberry.

Tjay you are right with what you say about trying to use graphical resources like youtube while you connect with VNC, but there is an option to play youtube videos through VNC, but I don't remember now, so... well, just there is no option with Kodi.

THanks to all for the help
It is possible to "see" and control Kodi through VNC with RealVNC "experimental mode" or dispmanx_vnc, but like already said, Kodi is not meant to be used headless, it will be very slow and stuff.
If you just want to play music headless on the RPi, I think the best options are something like Volumio or MPD, etc.
And yes, if you are going to connect the RPi through 3.5mm and not through HDMI, the best option is to buy and use a DAC.

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Kodi crashes on start0