LibreElec/Kodi DSI Touch -> HDMI Workeround
Hello Raspi Friends.. I'm new into this and try to get my official ttouch display OR my TV working since AND is not possible.

In serveral forums I read that this isn't possible and you only can use display_default_lcd=0 in /flash/config..
or u use something like PINN which would be a "bootloader" for LibreElec/Kodi

Would it be possible to write a script that listens for CEC changes then sets display_default_lcd=0 and reboot when HDMI is connected ?
Something like

if cec-client -s -d 1 >> "power status:on
mount -o remount,rw /flash/
cp /storage/Flaschconfig/on/config.txt /flash.config.txt
if cec-client -s -d 1 >> "power status:off/standby
mount -o remount,rw /flash/
cp /storage/Flaschconfig/off/config.txt /flash.config.txt

thanks for support !

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LibreElec/Kodi DSI Touch -> HDMI Workeround0