Solved kodi suddenly stop streaming in middle of nowhere NFS or SMB the same
Does your Network share have a login and password? If the answer is NO, you need to add one.
This issue com from KODI with Amlogic devices because kodi do not support it anymore ..

If I use SPMC build I can select amlogic codec and I do not have this issue... The bug you see there come from amcodec/kodi not from amlogic codec...

kodi do not support anymore amlogic and many other SoC... it would be interesting to know for who this people are working for exactly because there is many compatibility issue with several SoC including Rockchip Nvidia Amlogic etc. (99,9% of devices hahaha)

Anyway for this Amlogic devices we must use LibreElec Kodi this is what I think or the beta build SPMC-spmc-krypton-5e3c0fc-armeabi-v7a and select settings/support amlogic codec
Well I answer to myself because I fixed the issue

My problem came from my VPN I use OpenVPN and everydays it disconnect me one time ... I close my VPN now to stream from my laptop to my Android box and this seem to be ok
Thread marked as solved.
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kodi suddenly stop streaming in middle of nowhere NFS or SMB the same0