v18 UPnP DLNA. Video thumbnails, resume playback and other questions

I've used Serviio for ages. And it by default:
- Displays video thumbnails/posters.
- Allows resume playback.

Non of the above works in Kodi Media Server. There're no thumbnails when browsing from TV via DLNA. And resume doesn't work.
Aren't those features supported in Kodi?

I've read somewhere that DLNA doesn't support that and Kodi follows only official standard. So does it mean Serviio does it something differently? Anyway.. whatever they do - it works. Why not in Kodi?
Raspberry Pi 4 4GB + Denon AVR-1912
SW: Raspbian + Kodi
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UPnP DLNA. Video thumbnails, resume playback and other questions0