v18 AZ on Leila
Hi! I switched from Kodi 17.6 to 18.3 today on all my installations. I also installed the updated AZ for Leila as well as tried AZ+. Both almost work as in 17.6, except two things.

1) the "slider" in the movie / tv show hubs seems to be non-functional. Instead of showing random movies / tv shows, it just sits there doing nothing. Pressing "left" doesn't select that part of the screen either.


2) the scroll-bars in the movie / tv show view are gone, too.


Is there a patch / setting for enabling these two?

I am using AZ Leia-mod by @beatmasterrs and it works fine
You can give it a try Wink

Download newest version: https://github.com/beatmasterRS/skin.arc...master.zip

There is also a support topic here
Thanks! AZ+ solves 1), there's now also a scroll-bar, but the scroll-bar does not seem to work right. Will try it out some more and will also try the Leia Mod.

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