Android Kodi 18.4 does not launch on Latest Firestic OS
My Firestick automatically updated recently. Since then Kodi does not launch.There is blank screen when I click on Kodi app. I went to "Manage installed applications" Forced stop it and cleared all data for kodi. I launched the application again. The Kodi Leia 18.4 first run launches and then immediately  goes to a blank screen. I think I had Leia 18.0 before when the issue started. I saw that the latest version is now 18.4 and I installed it using Downlaoder app. But even though the app does not launch. The Firestick OS is Fire OS (646581820). Anybody having similar issue?
This is a forum regarding general discussions of Kodi and not a support forum. You question is best answered in the Android forum or support for the firestick O/S.

Moving this thread to Android.
I have 18.4 running fine here with OS (646581820) on a Fire stick v2.
(2019-10-08, 10:36)trogggy Wrote: I have 18.4 running fine here with OS (646581820) on a Fire stick v2.

I also have fire stick v2 but have problems launching Kodi. I have used v16 and v17 before and switched to the higher version whenever I encountered any problem. I had trouble launching v17 so I updated to v18 and then v18.4 but nothing helps.
Kodi is up and running again. I do not what the issue was earlier. It wasn't working for a week. Now for the past 2 3 days its working fine.

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Kodi 18.4 does not launch on Latest Firestic OS0