Random video playing with random start time and sequence length

I know there are may addons and playlist functions to allow Kodi to play&shuffle random videos from the library.
However, I was not able to find what I would want for a true "party mode".

Is there any addon/script/playlist function that allows for the following?:
  • Play X number of random files from library folder; 
  • Start the file at a random time in the video
  • Play for Y seconds
So an example would be:
  1. Starting addon/script with X=3 and Y=90 seconds
  2. Random File 1 starts at random point in the file and runs for 90 seconds
  3. Random File 2 starts at random point in the file and runs for 90 seconds
  4. Random File 3 starts at random point in the file and runs for 90 seconds
  5. Finished

Your help is much appreciated.

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Random video playing with random start time and sequence length0