match tv show episodes with episode name and not number

First of all, if the devs are around, thanks for this beautiful software, I use it a lot for a few years, and it always helped me manage my huge movies/tv shows collection.

Now my question: I have a tv show which have around 600 episodes. Files have the correct naming (the same as TVDB) for the episode names, but don't have any season or episode number.
I didn't find so I imagine TMM doesn't have this option, but maybe I missed it: is it possible to match the episodes with TVDB episodes using the episode names and not the S0XE0X scheme ?

If not, anybody knows a way to do that? Another software ?

Thanks in advance.
(2020-05-01, 19:11)bottedumal Wrote: Hello,

First of all, if the devs are around, thanks for this beautiful software, I use it a lot for a few years, and it always helped me manage my huge movies/tv shows collection.

Now my question: I have a tv show which have around 600 episodes. Files have the correct naming (the same as TVDB) for the episode names, but don't have any season or episode number.
I didn't find so I imagine TMM doesn't have this option, but maybe I missed it: is it possible to match the episodes with TVDB episodes using the episode names and not the S0XE0X scheme ?

If not, anybody knows a way to do that? Another software ?

Thanks in advance.

Answer to myself: filebot or rename my tv series softwares are the way to go :-)

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match tv show episodes with episode name and not number0