Emby - Need help getting all ratings to show up
Hi all,

I'm using Titan Bingie with the Emby for Kodi addon on Windows 10.

I'm just wondering if anybody with this setup has had success in getting ratings from IMDB, TMDB/TVDB, Rotten Tomatoes,... to show up consistently.

It looks like all my .nfo files are in order, yet for some movies i will get all ratings, for others i will only get TMDB ratings. I would be happy if it picks up IMDB ratings for all of them, don't care so much about Rotten Tomatoes,...

For tv shows all i manage to get is TVDB, except for a few (less than 20%) of the shows, they for some reason picked up an imdb rating. 

Normally you can use your scraper when Kodi loads it database to get this info, but when using Emby, it just loads it from the .nfo files i assume.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been breaking my head over this for the last 2 days Smile
(2020-05-30, 00:49)CK77 Wrote: Hi all,

I'm using Titan Bingie with the Emby for Kodi addon on Windows 10.

I'm just wondering if anybody with this setup has had success in getting ratings from IMDB, TMDB/TVDB, Rotten Tomatoes,... to show up consistently.

It looks like all my .nfo files are in order, yet for some movies i will get all ratings, for others i will only get TMDB ratings. I would be happy if it picks up IMDB ratings for all of them, don't care so much about Rotten Tomatoes,...

For tv shows all i manage to get is TVDB, except for a few (less than 20%) of the shows, they for some reason picked up an imdb rating. 

Normally you can use your scraper when Kodi loads it database to get this info, but when using Emby, it just loads it from the .nfo files i assume.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been breaking my head over this for the last 2 days Smile

I've learned a lot since this last post, turns out there are 2 issues at hand.

First issue is that Emby doesn't store ratings the same way Kodi does. So when you use the Emby for Kodi addon ratings don't get added to your Kodi DB with all the necessary information.
In the kodi db your rating_type is default and not imdb, themovieDB,... so Kodi isn't sure what rating you have stored, hence the sometimes random effects.

Also if you use the Bingie skin and probably all the Titam skins they use the simplecache.db to "store" your ratings and studios so it doesn't have to get them from the online services all the time, but it also means if you start over with an empty db and you don't delete the simplecache.db a lot of settings stay stored and you will not get updated ratings even if you start with a clean db.

Hope this helps some people that are also dealing/struggling with this.

I've put up a request on the Emby forums to adjust their .nfo addon and their Emby for Kodi addon to better deal with how ratings are stored.
Hopefully they are willing Wink
Did some more searching and i have now found a way to make the Emby for Kodi addon store a rating_type in the rating table.
This is not a full fix since it's still hardcoded in the code as before, but now it writes imdb or whatever you would like it to be.
So to make this work you need to know which rating is stored in Emby in the rating tag.

The adjustment only requires you to change 6 lines of code in 2 files.

For both my movie and tv library in Emby i set OMDB as the first scraper, this way for movies it stores the imdb rating and the RottenTomato rating, for tv shows it will store the imdb rating.
You can choose whatever scraper as second and third,...

Now when i check the Kodi db ratings table all my movies/tvshows/episodes have a rating type that says imdb, this makes the Titan Bingie skin work better with showing all ratings.

If anybody is interested i'll share the changes i made.

So until the developers of Emby for Kodi or the Emby developers work on an update, this is a good patch.
I've made some more progress, but now i'm really stuck Smile

I've created the following post in the forums for Video Addons:


If anybody has some programming experience and sees an easy solution for this let me know.
I'm ready to try out anything Smile
For those who are still following this saga, i posted a solution in the other thread. Smile
It seems to work all as expected so that's one more problem down.

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Emby - Need help getting all ratings to show up0