Hide HDR on non HDR stations+continue watching on the same timestamp on diff files?
I have a few Kodi stations around the house. 2 of them support 4K-HDR while the other 3 do not. My library contains a lot of duplicate movies, one in 4K HDR REMUX format and the other in regular HD format. I'm trying to think of a creative way to hide the HDR on non supporting stations while hiding the regular HD on 4K HDR stations.

My first thought was to have separate libraries for HDR and regular HD and on each station to share the relevant one but I'm using MySQL to share watched status etc' so I'm not sure if this is going to work if I have different sources on each station.

My other ask (which sounds like a very knish request) but is there any way to tell kodi to treat two files as one?
My end goal would be to stop watching Brave.HDR.REMUX.mkv at 0:23 mark and resume watching on the same time mark but with Brave.1080p.mkv.

Please advise.
Assuming your filename contains the string "HDR" you could create a Video Node, something like <rule field="filename" operator="contains"><value>HDR</value></rule>

You could even use the Library Node Editor addon to create it:

That's a nice idea! The HDR do have HDR in the filename, the non HDR do not have something specific but I guess I can go over the duplicates and add a specific tag in the filename in order to hide them in the HDR stations.
I wonder though, if I have two movies.


And I watched half a movie on an HDR station (Brave.HDR.REMUX.mkv) and moved to a non HDR station, will the watched location be saved on Brave.1080p.mkv?
Is the main key in the mysql table is the filename or the name of the title - 'Brave' for that matter ?

(2020-10-14, 21:42)Shasoosh Wrote: That's a nice idea! The HDR do have HDR in the filename, the non HDR do not have something specific but I guess I can go over the duplicates and add a specific tag in the filename in order to hide them in the HDR stations.
You could create two Nodes, HDR and non-HDR. So 'filename contains HDR' for HDR & 'filename does not contain HDR' for everything else. Maybe you could rename the non-HDR duplicates as "DUP" or something, then use either filename contains/does not contain "DUP", there will be a combination that works if you play about with it.

With regards the Resume plackback question, I don't know, maybe someone else will know that one Smile
Thinking about this a little more you could use:

Filename does not contain DUP

Filename does not contain HDR

I haven't tried it but I think that would cover everything. It would just be a case of renaming your non-HDR files with a DUP tag, like Brave.DUP.1080p.mkv
Thanks. This solves the hiding showing part.

I've researched a bit more and 

are each tracked separately (which totally makes sense)

This sounds like a very knish request but is there any way to tell kodi to treat these two as one?
My end goal would be to stop watching Brave.HDR.REMUX.mkv at 0:23 mark and resume my watching on the same time mark but with Brave.1080p.mkv.

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Hide HDR on non HDR stations+continue watching on the same timestamp on diff files?0