Win Separate seen/unseen tags by profile

I don't know if I need to presente myself, so if it's needed, just tell me. 

I'm trying actually to create my Kodi media center, and I want to do 4 or 5 users. 

2 will be Admin, the others will be in Reading privileges only. I want to separate the Seen/Unseen tags by profiles, but I don't find the options. 

Thanks you for you help !
Profiles (wiki) limits the source material, but each file will have 'watched/unwatched' tags as long as in the profile’s settings screen; choose whether to share media info and media sources with the main profile, or to keep things completely separate. Media info refers to the information about your shows and movies; I recommend leaving this separate. If you do keep things separate, you can do a one-time copy of your sources and meta-data. This link might be a bit more focused.
Thanks for your help ! 

The problem was unsolvable so I recreate profiles, I had to do some manual addons update, but it seems to be working !

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