Android Kodi v18.9 immediately crashing on nVidia Shield after adding advancedsettings.xml
So trying to setup a multi-system Kodi install in my house.
* MariaDB database hosting Kodi database
* Shared SMB network folder for all data on ``
* Kodi has it's own username/password for r/w access.
* username/password is specified in the passwords.xml file, which via advancedsettings.xml is path substituted to point to network share.
* the network share is default anonymous read access
+ Would like to sync anything Kodi related to a shared source so that all Kodi installs (1 shield pro, 1 shield, 1 chromecast with google tv) sync together.

I am able to successfully run Kodi from my desktop and got the advanced settings file setup correctly (as far as I know). Kodi on desktop runs and launches fine, sees media, libraries are all set. My plan was that since the specific share is anonymous read only, then that would allow Kodi to read the passwords.xml file on the NAS to get the username/password info that it could then apply after boot so it could have r/w access.

I installed Kodi onto shield pro, did first run, get to main Kodi menu. Run file manager, add a source that I can copy the existing advancedsettings.xml file from (note: _not_ the same location that I have advancedsettings.xml pointing to) to the local Kodi install. Back out to main menu, and exit Kodi.

Upon running Kodi again, it just immediately quits back to home screen. I tried enabling debug logging, but even with that, there is no information in the log that would explain why it's immediately crashing. Log file:

Would appreciate any help trying to figure out what in my setup is causing it to crash instantly with no info.
just tried the same on my Shield pro, and same result. Kodi just immediately quits, no error, nothing in log.
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so did some experimentation in case anyone comes across this.
I commented out the pathsubstitution for passwords.xml, and was able to get Kodi to run. I'm not sure if the issue was that it couldn't read it (had the same availability to the file as all the others), or that it had credentials for the same smb share it was using to access the path substitution in the first place. (default access was read, information in passwords.xml was to provide write access to same share), but after the comment, Kodi was able to boot and it's working properly now.

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Kodi v18.9 immediately crashing on nVidia Shield after adding advancedsettings.xml0