Req Use EIT file as information source for DVB-S recordings
This is just a feature request, due to the fact that my DVB-S recordings are not named correctly like "S0xEyy" Kodi don't recognized the episodes.
On my enigma2 receiver the app "EMC" is able to display the content of the "EIT" file (full name is "event information table"), so I hadn't to name the files in a specific way.
More information about "EIT" can be found here --> or here (source of wikipedia article):
Somebody has already extracted the script from the EMC to this script-->
Here you can see an example how that is displayed in EMC, "EIT" information are displayed on the left side:

So my feature request is that the content of the "EIT" file should be use as additional information source when the DVB-S recordings are not correctly named.
The user defines what content [movies, tv shows, music...] is in the folder and whether the files are all in one folder or in separate folders with matching names. So here would be one point were the user could select: "no the files are not named please use the EIT data which is inside the folders".

Or other way: In my case Kodi has found a folder with TV shows:
TV shows --> folder: name of the TV show e.g. "Star Trek" --> file names: "DVB-S recording named date-TV channel-title e.g. "Star Trek""
For every ts-file there is also a EIT data file with the same file name. In my case Kodi has detected the TV show but not the episodes because the files are not named in the correct way. When the "decision tree" comes to that point (and don't find anything about the file because it is not correctly named like SxxEyy) Kodi could look automatically whether there is a EIT data file with the same name and could use that info instead.

My receiver creates 6 files per recording. (*.eit; *.ts; *.ts.ap; *.ts.cuts; *.ts.meta;
All named in the same way:
e.g. 20160216 2210 - zdf_neo HD - Orphan Black
date time - TV channel - name of movie or tv show
You can play back recorded TV in one of two ways.

The obvious way is to use the PVR plug-in. If you do that the video and its descriptive info is produced by the back-end software - not Kodi - Kodi interfaces with the plug-in to get the info and the video stream (bearing in mind it's the same method used for live TV). The changes you are looking for would have to be made via the PVR software provider. Most PVR software, including the excellent and free NextPVR, will show you the information extracted from the program guide (EIT) as provided by the broadcaster. If you're not seeing EIT information, check your settings; it might be time to switch to different PVR software.

The other way is via the 'Files' menu in Kodi. If you add the recorded programs folder from your PVR software to Kodi as a source, you'll see your recorded files there. If you play them, they'll be played by Kodi, not the PVR software. Kodi does not, however, have access to the program information held by the plug-in so cannot display it to you. It doesn't know where the file has come from, so can't ask the plug-in for the info - it's just a file on your system. If you're using the 'Files' menu to play back your recordings, that explains the limited information you're seeing. Try using the plug-in for playback instead.

Following on from the above, if you are browsing the recordings from the Video section of Kodi then you'll to convert those EIT to the Kodi compatible NFO format. For example from a quick Google I found:

You might be best asking on the Enigma forums.

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Use EIT file as information source for DVB-S recordings0