"move Node" doesnt work (19.1 Estuary)
I got a problem with a new installation of 19.1 with the default skin Estuary.
I would like to rearrange the category direction on the home screen for movies and found the "move Node" selection in the context menu.
Unfortunately this selection opens a corrupt window without any content exept of a "cancel" button. As I cant hit anything I must kill the kodi task within Windows to leave this situation.
Is there any (other) way to rearrange the category entries, maybe by modifieing the home.xml?
Furthermore I would like to add new nodes to this category, which must be rearranged too...

thx in advance
Found a solution for myself... You can add a "node order" within the node xml itself to rearrange the direction...

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"move Node" doesnt work (19.1 Estuary)0