Making Kodi a Media reciver
Hello. I am relatively new to Kodi. Love it and use it on a daily basis.
Recently I had an idea but it might already be built by someone.
Using Kodi as a media reciver in lack of a better way to express myself some sort of chrome cast . Add on that allows Kodi to recive a Video or music through the network from an device and pc.
Let's say my audio sistem is connected to my Kodi box I see a nice trailer or music video and I want to stream it from the phone/ pc to Kodi.
Does something similar exist or someone trying to build it?
It depends on the source of the video or audio. If Kore Kodi's android remote, is on your phone Kodi will appear as a destination for videos shared from the youtube app. You can also 'share' files that are on your phone to Kodi. I suspect the functionality might exists in the ios remote as well but I have never tried it so I don't konw for sure. I also don't know if it works with other sources.

Hope that helps.

I played with two kodi remote apps in witch one was pay to use some features.
I haven't managed to do that with any of them.
I assume you are speaking about Kore and Yatse. I just tested Kore with local files and youtube.

Youtube app
Find video
press the elipsis
Choose share
Play on Kodi

Was that your process?
Somehow it is not working for me . All I get is that is looking for devices.
I am using libre elec on a dell 3040 micro pc. Maybe it is somehow different 🤔?

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