Determine currently recording program in PVR?
The Kodi interface puts a nice red dot next to a program that is currently being recorded.  How do I determine this program through the JSON-RPC?

I've tried using PVR.GetRecordings and PVR.GetRecordingDetails but neither of those seems to work; they give me the fields below, but none of them seem to apply.

                          {'art': {},
                            'channel': 'SBS ONE',
                            'channeluid': 1238598457,
                            'directory': '/SBS World News',
                            'endtime': '2022-10-16 08:36:00',
                            'epgeventid': 4561602,
                            'file': 'pvr://recordings/tv/active/SBS World '
                                    'News/SBS%20World%20News, '
                                    'TV%20(SBS%20ONE), 20221016_072700, '
                            'genre': ['News', 'Current affairs'],
                            'icon': '',
                            'isdeleted': False,
                            'label': 'SBS World News',
                            'lifetime': 1,
                            'playcount': 0,
                            'plot': 'Up-to-date reports and analysis of the '
                                    'major national and international news '
                                    "stories of the day in Australia's only "
                                    'world news service.',
                            'plotoutline': '',
                            'radio': False,
                            'recordingid': 817,
                            'resume': {'position': 0.0, 'total': 4140.0},
                            'runtime': 4140,
                            'starttime': '2022-10-16 07:27:00',
                            'title': 'SBS World News'},

I just want to know the program(s) that are currently being recorded.
"PVR.GetRecordings" and "PVR.GetRecordingDetails" refer to recordings (= files). If you want to check for what is currently being recorded you use "PVR.GetChannels" and add the property "isrecording". Hope this helps.

Edit: Works with Kodi 17 and higher.

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Determine currently recording program in PVR?0