m4b genre tags missing
So i have a lot of m4b files which are all reconised and play under artists or albums, but I cannot get them into my nodes filtered by genre etc. These have all been tagged with mp3tag or equivalent. All the album information for genre is not present when I view album information.

So I created an .nfo file called album.nfo and placed it in the album folder missing the genre.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

All my audio uses local information, but the .nfo is only recognised when I select fetch additional information during updates.
The information is seen as it is updated and shown in the album information. However the node is not populated. 

How can i tag an m4b file to be recognised?
IIRC, the Type or Release Type tag in the audiobook file needs the value set to Audiobook


Also, fyi... https://kodi.wiki/view/Audiobooks
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so simply....first time im using .nfo or anything like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
Explain again what you are trying to do. What outcome do you want? Are you trying to separate your audiobooks from your regular music in the library?
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No, I have all my audiobooks separated from music. But I have nodes that are separated by genre. So genres include Audiobook, Series, stand-up, podcasts as well as broader genre like sci-fi, fantasy etc.

I want to click my series node and see everything i have tagged as 'series', similarly i want to click audiobook and see everything i have tagged with audiobook.

All m4b files are not being put into the relevant genre nodes even though I can see them being tagged by the nfo you suggested. If I look at the album information box I can see the correct tags. MP3's are separated by genre and work fine. Nodes looking at a particular path are also fine.

As an example:
I have tagged the books Silmarillion (mp3), the hobbit(Mp3), the lord of the rings (m4b) as Audiobook / Fantasy / Series. I noticed The lord of the rings was not in the nodes  I created for Audiobooks and Series. The hobbit and the Silmarillion are.
Ive checked on my tagging software and everything is tagged the same. 

When I originally set up the database i didn't have album .nfo's. I was using all local information and correctly tagged. However I noticed tags were not showing in the album information box. So i thought, perhaps it was some quirk with m4b files, and a solution would be to add an .nfo. I added an .nfo with information i posted above and i can now see the genres in the information box, but its still not going into the nodes.

Could it be the naming of the file? I haven't renamed most mp3's and they still have tags recognised.
So renaming as .m4a files does get the tags working, but you lose the ability to track position and chapters are flattened into one file.
So the answer for me at least was to use mood tags in an .nfo. Create the node to location and just have a mood tag.

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