Shortcuts for navigating the TV guide?
Ive recently setup a media server which streams content around my home. It is mostly working OK, but Im still trying to resolve some minor issues

I’m using the NextPVR plugin in Kodi on my clients to receive Freeview TV (UK). Clients are mostly Windows 10, but also on other platforms e.g. Android and Windows 7. I find navigation of the TV guide difficult at times, but especially so when I’m using it on a desktop PC with a mouse and keyboard.

Is there any way to jump forward in the guide by several hours/a day/a week?

After navigating forward in time, is there a way to jump back to the current time without having to close the guide and open it again?

Is there a way to navigate the guide easily only using a mouse? The mouse wheel scrolls forward/back in time, but I have to use the small scroll bar on the right side of the guide to scroll up/down through channels or use the arrow keys on the keyboard. Are there any hidden extra mouse controls?

Any tips for navigating the guide by touch in Android?

I’ve recently come over from Windows Media Player, where the guide could jump forward/back 12hours at a time. Are there keys for this with this guide and where can I find what they are/how can they be configured?

Open the context menu and click navigate should give you mouse shortcuts. I am not sure about keyboard and remote shortcuts but certainly NextPVR UI clients can use them.

Could WMC do any of the things you were asking with a mouse only or touch?

Thanks, I didnt even know that navigation bar existed. I was right clicking in open space looking for an options menu rather than on an actual program

I guess there is a way to make that navigation bar stay visable by default? Can I be lazy and ask for a hint where that setting might be found? Smile

NB: I only ever used WMC on one computer with a WMC remote, never used that via a mobile.
This also would not be related to pvr.nextpvr.  I don't know for certain, but that may be skin function so perhaps ask this question in the sub-forum for your skin. 


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Shortcuts for navigating the TV guide?0