Error while playng video causes kodi to freeze or restart
Hello everyone. I hope someone might help me with this issue. I have kodi installed on a  rasp pi 3. Some videos are not being played. Either there are some artifacts and then it stops, or when i pull the tracker it shows a black screen with a cricle with the number 100 in it. After that  kodi freezes. Some times it restarts, while ocasionally it stays frozen and i have to turn off the device. Here are the logs i could get before it froye and was able to stop playback.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You are using an old distribution (buster) and an old kodi version 18.7.
I'd suggest you upgrade to bullseye which has a newer kodi version.
If kodi is the primary use case then a dedicated distribution like LibreELEC or OSMC is recommended.

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Error while playng video causes kodi to freeze or restart0